Class Enrollment Application

Once you’ve completed the necessary steps for attending a class, please fill out the application form below.

Click the first section to get started with your application.

Class Enrollment
  1. Personal Information

2. Education

3. Professional Experience

4. General Questions

5. Enrollment Info

Training & [Education]

It’s time to move your career forward.

Leading. Instruction.

Anissa's passion is helping stenographers achieve their realtime goals. Her vast experience as a captioner as well as obtaining her Bachelor's in Realtime Reporting makes her the perfect realtime instructor.

Over 1200 stenographers have achieved their reatime goals and certifications after training with Anissa.  Anissa’s passion, professionalism and dedication to her students sets Learn To Caption training apart from any other in the industry.

How it All Starts…

We start with a simple writing review.  Assessing your realtime level assures that you are enrolled in the right course, thus setting you up for success!

Step 1:

Open a realtime file. Download and write this file one time (4:02). Please do not edit the file.

Step 2:

Complete the questionnaire and upload your .rtf or .txt file for your free individual review. *Both documents are required to complete your review.

“I decided to rewrite a few jobs, applying what I’ve learned in only ONE session from Anissa and it’s been a HUGE difference in my untrans! I was SHOCKED! I would gladly take the time to rewrite a 100-page job because I know that it will save me a ton of editing time after training with Anissa. I’ve been unenthused about reporting for a decade. I’ve found that the spark is reemerging after years!”

Linda Ramirez
Court Stenographer

“In Anissa’s training, you will receive 100% of her positive attitude, enthusiasm and passion for helping reporters! After ONE session with her using her foolproof method, my untranslates nearly disappeared! Anissa gave me that fresh-out-of-school, my-fingers-are-on-fire, I-can-do-anything feeling! Anissa’s program is a big, giant WOW!!!  Her program is an absolute MUST!  It pays for itself after ONE session.”

Katherine Laney

I didn’t suddenly get more skilled.  I suddenly got more coached, and that has helped me to get the most out of my skill.

Michael A. Bouley, RDR

The ROI on training with Anissa is immeasurable!  I have seen reporters go from being scared to death to being able to hook up to realtime and output to multiple attorneys with daily copy using real-time scopists — with confidence! Professionally trained stenographers are a must if the profession is going to survive. Get certified! You will never regret investing in yourself!


“Anissa is second to none as a trainer. I just completed fabulous training with her and I highly recommend it to reporters.”

Christina Sarisky, RPR
Learn to Caption™, Anissa Captions™, and Dictionary Jumpstart™ are copyright © 2010-2025 Anissa R. Nierenberger. All Rights Reserved
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