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Frequently Asked [Questions]

Looking for answers to some questions about Dictionary Jumpstart? Find them here.

I am experiencing issues with a legacy version of DJ. Can you help me resolve this?

Yes. Please go to our support and contact page and we’ll be happy to help.

I did not receive an email confirmation about my purchase. Where is my download?

Some email providers and services mark emails as “spam” or “junk”. Please check your spam folder and be sure to add sales@learntocaption.com to your address book. You may also log into your account dashboard and download your software files from there.

Download our Installation Instructions PDF

How do I set up Dictionary Jumpstart with my writer?

On the right side of the DJ screen, choose your writer and the port to which it is connected. This writer set-up will be identical in your CAT software. Please put in a couple of strokes before initializing your writer. When the Adjust Writer Box opens, put strokes on your writer. When you have the correct COM port selected, your steno will appear in the Adjust Writer Box.

Diamante, Luminex & Wave Writers: In the writer itself, choose Setup, More, Options, USB Communi-cation. Change from Standard to Mira Emulation. This setting is fine in your Case Catalyst. In DJ, select Stenograph USB. Use Stentura 8000 and COM port if necessary.

e’lan Cybra, e’lan Mira, Fusion & Protégé: Select Stenograph USB. If you are not connected via USB, select the Stentura 8000 as your writer and then select the correct COM port.

Gemini Writers: Select Transcriptor X.

Lightspeed Writers: Select Transcriptor X and choose Baron in the Lightspeed software.

I’d like to receive PDCs for the Dictionary Jumpstart versions I’ve purchased. How do I go about doing that?

There are five DJ versions that are approved for PDCs. Environment 0.75 PDCs, Food & Health 0.75 PDCs, Names 0.75 PDCs, Phrases .5 PDCs and Vocabulary 0.75 PDCs. Please email your .rtf files for each version to info@learntocaption.com with ‘PDCs’ in the subject line and the proper form for obtaining your credits will be emailed to you.

Is there an audio pronunciation with each entry?

Words in DJ link to Merriam-Webster for a visual pronunciation and definition as well as an audio pronunciation of each available word.

What if I can only work on it for a half hour? Can I pick up where I left off?

Yes, you may stop and start stroking the same list as many times as needed. Always click Save before you exit DJ.

Do I still have to go back and define my entries after stroking the steno out?

We’re happy to say, No! All the reporter does is stroke out each entry. You may stroke each entry as many different ways as you’d like. If you want to put hysterical in your dictionary written five different ways, go for it. You may even laugh as you do it!

If I put in a word that’s already in my dictionary, what happens?

If the steno and the English are identical, the entry stays the same. If the English is different in your dictionary, it will conflict. Set your software to flag conflicts. When merging the words, you’ll decide which entry you’d like to keep.

How long will it take me to input all of the categories in Dictionary Jumpstart?

It’s easy to stroke out approximately 800 to 1,000 words per hour. This is a pretty small fraction of time when you look at what a valuable tool you’re creating that will last you your entire career.

Can I import the dictionary I create with Jumpstart into my Eclipse or Case Catalyst software?

Yes, you may import the dictionary into any CAT software.

Is this program only for captioners?

This program is for any reporter who has untranslates and mistranslates and would like to reduce their editing time.

What exactly is Dictionary Jumpstart?

It is a software program that allows any reporter to quickly build a well-rounded dictionary.  It is available for stenographers and voice writers.

Import Instructions

For information on importing your DJ .rtf files into your own CAT software, please click on your vendor below:

Still have questions?

If you still have questions, we’d be happy to answer them.

Learn to Caption™, Anissa Captions™, and Dictionary Jumpstart™ are copyright © 2010-2025 Anissa R. Nierenberger. All Rights Reserved
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