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BY: Anissa Nierenberger
POSTED January 10, 2017 IN
News & Updates

Welcome to LearnToCaption.com! Our new website has been in the works for a while now and we are so excited to finally have it up live!

The new site is broken down into three targeted areas to make it easy to navigate and intuitive for users trying to find information. LearnToCaption.com encompasses Dictionary Jumpstart™ software, Training & Education opportunities and Anissa Captions™.

By now, you may have seen some of the new branding for Dictionary Jumpstart™. (IF you’ve been following our Facebook page or have recently purchased DJ!) Dictionary Jumpstart™ has a new look and logo, but the software itself and the functionality is exactly the same.

learn-toThe Training & Education part of the site includes information about upcoming courses taught by Anissa for CART, Caption Masters and One-On-One Realtime Training. Descriptions of all the classes and enrollment information is  HERE on the site. So EASY, you’re going to love it! Move your career forward with more training!

anissa-captions-bgAnissa Captions™ is the area of the site where you can learn about Anissa and find out more about hiring her for captioning jobs, speaking engagements, workshops and more. You can also find a calendar of events so you’ll know where and when to find her at conferences and events.

Again, welcome! We’re excited you’re here! Please let us know if we can do anything to help you navigate the site. You can send us a message here.

Since 1992, Anissa Nierenberger has pursued her passion for captioning into three distinct areas; Anissa Captions, her proprietary software Dictionary Jumpstart, and training and education programs.
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