Class Enrollment Application

Once you’ve completed the necessary steps for attending a class, please fill out the application form below.

Click the first section to get started with your application.

Class Enrollment
  1. Personal Information

2. Education

3. Professional Experience

4. General Questions

5. Enrollment Info

I’d like to receive PDCs for the Dictionary Jumpstart versions I’ve purchased. How do I go about doing that?

There are five DJ versions that are approved for PDCs. Environment 0.75 PDCs, Food & Health 0.75 PDCs, Names 0.75 PDCs, Phrases .5 PDCs and Vocabulary 0.75 PDCs. Please email your .rtf files for each version to info@learntocaption.com with ‘PDCs’ in the subject line and the proper form for obtaining your credits will be emailed to you.

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