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Are you setting yourself up to succeed?

BY: Anissa Nierenberger
POSTED January 19, 2017 IN
News & Updates

“All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.” – Bill McCartney.

Sub in the word training, mentoring, tutoring for coaching and this applies in many ways. After all, how can you teach yourself something you don’t know? Do gymnasts train themselves to win the gold medal in the Olympics? Do drivers just hop in a stock car at a NASCAR track and figure out how to drive 200 miles an hour without crashing? Reporters do not train themselves to be A+ Broadcast Captioners and CART Captioners. How can you train yourself in something you don’t know?Coaching

My 17-year-old son is taking the SAT test on January 21 for the third time. He needs 90 more points to reach his goal. One evening he said, “Mom, I can’t teach math to myself because I am lost. I don’t understand it. I need a tutor.” I was thrilled that he identified what he needed! The tutor we found is a 20-year teacher with a masters in math and guess what? He’s getting it! Is this costing me a pretty penny? You bet it is! Will this be worth it? Absolutely! I have no doubt we’re setting him up for success.

Are you setting yourself up for success? Are you looking beyond today to see that time saved and knowledge gained is money in the bank? Isn’t it time you set yourself up for success and bring yourself up to the next level in realtime reporting? Make 2017 your year!


Since 1992, Anissa Nierenberger has pursued her passion for captioning into three distinct areas; Anissa Captions, her proprietary software Dictionary Jumpstart, and training and education programs.
StreamText 101 for Captioners and CART Captioners
Anissa was a guest speaker today on a Facebook Live… Read More »StreamText 101 for Captioners and CART Captioners
Facebook Live – One-On-One Training
If you missed Anissa’s Facebook Live presentation on One-On-One Training this… Read More »Facebook Live – One-On-One Training
All in the Family
Anissa brings in a special guest to unveil her newest… Read More »All in the Family
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